On 14-6-09,members of Bhoomi led by Dr Rajender Sharma , President Bhoomi met Mr Avinash Rai Khanna , member of Punjab Human Rights Commission and handed over a memorandum to him ,expressing its concern over depleting ground water level in Punjab. The delgation urged Mr Khanna to impress upon the Govt to make suitable legislation and its strict implementation in rain water harvesting and to devolpe traditional sources of natural ground water recharging by water bodies like ponds , wells and small check dams. Mr Khanna assured the

delegation that necessay actionwill be taken . The matter was taken up in commission's meeting on 16th July 2009 and commission asked for report from concerned departments like - Chief secretary ,local govt, Chief secretary irrigation ,secretary of department of public health Punjab,and MD Punjab State Tubewell Corporation. They all have been asked to send report regarding action taken in this connection by 28th Oct 2009.
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